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The poetry of food-packaging in Italy

Today I bring you a fleeting but fine example of how the Italians never miss an opportunity to be poetic. Be that through their graffiti (always heart-rending), their journalism (often creative) or their food-packaging (quite possibly life-changing). A biscuit in Italy is not just a biscuit. Oh no, it’s an opportunity “to unite the family (over breakfast I should add – biccies in Italy, are strictly a breakfast item – I now have my head fully around that concept, but trust me, it took some time) ..…to revisit an older, truer age, where one can experience the unspoilt pleasures of nature’s fruits offered up by learned custodians of the land… or such-like.

It can be pretty heavy, evocative stuff. Which brings me to the ham. Ok, so ham in Italy isn’t ham, well it is – I mean obviously it’s HAM, but it’s just not ham in the way that you or I may think of ham. It’s different, multi-faceted, can be found in many forms that is, can be enjoyed in even more. And can be packaged in mightily-meaningful ways. Conad, one of Italy’s biggest supermarkets, who are known for the high-quality of their produce, is currently offering up this little gem from their deli counter:

Insieme per l’ambiente – Questa carta è ottentuta da cellulosa proveniente da foreste gestite in maniera corretta e responsabile in modo da garantire nel tempo l’integrità del patrimonio forestale..

which kind of translates as…

Together for the environment – This paper is obtained from cellulose coming from forests that are managed in a correct and responsible manner, and in a way that guarantees for all-time the integrity of our forest-heritage..


How would they express this in the UK?:

‘Paper sourced from responsibly-managed forests’

Gotta love English! (Simple, concise, does-what-it-says-on-the-tin).

But you gotta love Italian, too!



  1. I am often spoilt for choice when my number is called at the deli counter. My wife always tells me to choose the ‘ham’ with the least visible fat running through it. ‘Due etti per favore’. I sometimes get carried away and order lots of stuff, especially if I have waited ages. Thinking, well I’ve got to make the wait worth it!

    • Oh indeed, you’re never too sure what’s what- so u need to try a bit of it all I reckon!

  2. YES!!! Love this post! And love this: “‘Paper sourced from responsibly-managed forests'” It would be the same in America…straight to the point. Anyway…happy festa della donna e buona domenica…

    • Thank you Diana. You and I will probably always be ‘will you get to the goddam point!!’ but at the same time I am learning to appreciate the Italian way with words and their more ‘lyrical’ approach; though it could drive you insane in the practical matters of life!

What do you think?